Submission for  Everlighted GameJam!

A game about a present who fell from Santa's sleigh and got lost.

Since i joined the Gamejam late, i only got for days to make it... bugs are my fault.

Hope you like it.

Warning: Yes rage

If the game dosen't work, click on it in fullscreen or small screen, then you will be able to move.

Want to change something? Click P and go through settings and languages...


GameJam - The forgotten present.exe 35 MB
GameJam - The forgotten present.pck 43 MB


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(1 edit)

Bugs that i have found on html version:

- No sound on slow effect.

- If you go to Main menu while coins have been collected, the coins stay upon starting a new game.

- Momentum dosent disappear completely.

- "Exit" crashes the game.

- Flying off of the map in Level 6 is intentional :)